Security Data Integration Protocols – TSA
After the events of September 11, 2001, by TSA (Transportation Security Admnistration), different policies and regulations are being introduced, such as requiring mandatory verification of reservations in search of certain information for flights arriving or departing from the United States to specific rules set by that body, in case of failure to comply with this requirement would not allow entry into the United States airspace of aircraft.
One of the main challenges of this specific case was the fact that the solution that the airline had foreseen was not going to be ready by the effective date of the regulations, they needed a quick and efficient response.
Statistical analyzes of compliance with the provision, its control and subsequent sending of messages to the authorities indicated by the TSA should also be part of this system, which required specific knowledge of both development and the airline industry.
Imectech participated in the analysis of the provisions for the definition of both the project and the design and development of the application which allowed the air operation for flights to and from the United States to be maintained.
What makes it different?
This project was developed applying the EDIFACT standards for messaging with TSA. In spite of being a complex protocol of which there was not all the clarity in a beginning, it was certified by the control authorities that required it.
For this project there was very little time for development, about a month so it had to be done in XP Xtreme programming mode with successful and timely results.
Thanks to the knowledge of the industry and the methodologies of software development used we were able to design and develop a solution that complied with the regulations and to keep in operation the company’s air routes to and from the United States and even to give more time and knowledge to sit the bases for the long-term solution that the airline had been preparing, subsequently and having adopted the best of this development could be replaced by the standard application when it was finally available.