Optimize your Fairs and Events with Statistics, Mathematics and Analytics

Imectech Solutions has developed the unique system of Revenue Management for Fairs and Events with a specialized focus in these industries. With the help of Statistics and Mathematics, our system forecasts the demand for spaces in square meters (Stands) and recommends rates that optimize the budget, forecasts the demand for rooms and spaces in events, optimizing the rates according to the purchase patterns.

Designed with a focus on  Presidents, Managers, Revenue Managers and Analysts who require online information to make decisions that can increase their net income from 5%. Currently the most important companies of Fairs and Events in Colombia are using our systems to optimize their income.

Developed together with important partners such as hotel chains worldwide, national and international logistics and events entities, as well as the support of Min TIC and Colciencias. This solution counted from its development phase with the contribution of experience and knowledge of each sector. Making the SUA Revenue Optimizer a powerful tool for the sector of fairs, events and national and international tourism.

Learn more about the Revenue Management Systems developed by Imectech.


Project selected by COLCIENCIAS for its high impact and innovation.

Supported by:

Min Tic Colombia

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